Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Rain, rain go away

I awoke this morning to the sound of heavy rain drops drumming against my window. Looks like the li’ll angels can’t come out to play today.

I snuggled deeper into my duvet, ever so reluctant to get myself ready for work. Perhaps if I skip breakfast, I can squeeze in another precious 10 minutes. I hugged my pillow just a bit tighter, as if doing so will make everything better. It did, even if it was only for a good two seconds.

As I lie motionless on my bed, a million thoughts swirled in my mind. I can’t recall any of them. I let out a deep sigh and amidst it all, a disturbing calm settled over me as an odd silence enveloped my entire room. It felt strange yet comfortable. I know it’s an oxymoronic statement but I do not know how to put it in any other words.

I opened my eyes to see dull light rays peeking cheekily through the bottom crack of my room door. The melodies of faint chirpings ruptured the stillness of my surrounding. I strained harder and from a distance, I hear the depressing sounds of the morning rush hour.

I flipped the duvet over and lugged myself to the bathroom. I stared lazily at the image in the mirror not knowing what to make out of it. I inhaled deeply and forced a tiny smile. If it doesn't kill you, it'll only serve to make you stronger. Blehhhh.

p.s. I was slightly late for work because I had my breakfast. Ha.

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