Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Feeling damp

The greyish hue of the gloomy sky mirrors the sentiment brooding within myself. I see lightnings but hear no thunders. The silence is painfully deafening. Soon the clouds will open and pour out its cry in poignant raindrop tears. I wish I could do it too.

Sometimes I wish for things to turn back to the way it was ... and almost everytime, it doesn't happen. Taking the little things for granted may lead to a world of regrets because second chances are a rarity sometimes. Learning the truth, be it for oneself or others can be harsh as it usually is.
Desperately reaching out only to grasp nothing. Hugs, kisses and words of reassurance are only mirages leading to delusioned comfort. Maybe it's better to let the pain bring me back to bitter reality. Is there any other way? If so, please teach me.

I'd like to cherish yesterday, to treasure today and to live for tomorrow. If only I know how ...

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