So how was your X'mas celebration this year? Was it good? Fantastic? Magical? Dissapointing? Boring? Well, if it's all good, then hooray for you. If it was not, well, there's always next year and the year after that and the year after that etc. Heh heh.
Mine was nothing spectacular. X'mas eve was spent having dinner at my uncle's place in Bkt Damansara. It was a pot luck party and food was aplenty. Roast beef, spaghetti, pork roast, creamy mushroom soup, steamed chicken, roast duck , stir fried prawns are just to name a few. Oh just so you know, I had SIX roasted duck drumsticks. Hahaha ... crispy & salty on the outside, tender and juicy on the inside ... simply YUMMILICIOUS!!! Oh oh ... and I drank soooooooo much wine. Haha ... wine makes this blogger happy. *Hic*
After that, went over to Steph's friend's place in USJ. Saw Wen made a bucket of sangria (wine + vodka + citrusy fruits) and it was oh so GOOOoooOOOd. Pictionary and Taboo were on the agenda and with the influence of the potent sangria, we had tonnes of fun. Haha. Jason was there with his Canon DSLR and a spanking new RM3k+ lens, so he was pretty much trigger happy the entire night with his camera. The rest obliged and shamelessly posed for photos. :D
On X'mas day itself, I went to church with my family and as usual had breakfast at a nearby mamak restaurant in Glenmarie. One of my uncle actually 'bungkus-ed' a serving of 'char siu' from a chinese restaurant behind and sneaked it into the halal mamak joint. All the sneaking was worth it though as it was one of the best 'char siu' I've ever had. So succulent & so flavoursome ... just the right amount of lean and fatty meat ... coupled with the thick sweet sauce ... it was divine!!! No wonder the seller bestowed the title 'Char Siu Wong' a.k.a 'Char Siu King' upon himself. A well deserved title indeed.
Went home and some relatives dropped by. Opened gifts soon after before heading to my uncle's place for a late lunch. Dinner was with some old friends at Marche, The Curve. It was good again to catch up with this bunch of lunatics and it was a memorable night indeed as Alban and Estee announced their engagement. Congrats to the both of you ya. :D Who would've thought that they would be the first in the gang to get hitched. Really happy for them. Went for an after-dinner-coffee at Starbucks. Later, some of them went for AVP2 while the rest of us headed home. Yes, some of us actually have to work the next day damnit!!!
The photos above depict some of the gifts I received this year. Su Yee and Alex C gave me a hand towel and Counterpain *Hahaha*, Eng Guan with the glow-in-the-dark lembu wrist rest pad, Ping with the bitter dark Beryl's chocolate from Langkawi, Derek with the keychain from Thailand and the Taiwan fridge magnets from Juls.
Well, at least there's New Year to look forward to no? You got any plans? I might be having a pot luck party at my place ... anyone out there interested? Haha. Till then ... take care and adios peeps.
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