Monday, January 21, 2008

I realised ...

I realised that the upcoming surgery has put a lot of things in perspective for me

I realised that life has a whole lot more to offer that what I thought it did

I realised that life is too short and even too fragile, so pick your battles wisely and fight for what its worth

I realised that ordinary people can do extraordinary things ... my family are living proof

I realised that you don't have to have supernatural powers to be my hero

I realised that I might have to go bald for the surgery (NO PICS AND NO VIDEOS ... I'M SERIOUS!!!)

I realised that I will not be working out or exercising for a while, gosh ... I might go fat again. :O Don't laugh ... not funny!

I realised that people do care a lot for me ... what did I do to deserve this blessing ... I do not know

I realised just how special my family is to me

I realised I've got friends who care ... friends who I can depend on ... friends who are there for me ... always

I realised that some things in life just can't be taken for granted ... sometimes you don't get a 2nd chance

I realised that by early February, I could be richer by RM15 million. (I bought the lottery) :p

I realised that if I really do strike the lottery jackpot, I might have a lot more 'friends'

I realised that no matter what happened, YOU are special to me

I realised that there is more than one way to see things ... it simply depends on how you want to look at it.

I realised that missing someone could actually hurt

I realised that God have made plans for me, I just might not see it clearly yet

I realised that by realising all these, it's worth to smile once more ... :)


Tweets said...

Hey Adrian, my prayers and well wishes to you. Keep a strong mind and strong will. I believe it's the key to recovery. We shall wait for your speedy recovery and play taboo again. :-)


Adrian said...

Hey Purdey,

Yesh, I will recover very soon and then we shall have a Taboo/Pictionary/Jenga marathon. Haha. And yes, I shall see you again after your sunday BB class. Hehe.