Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Bitten and burned ... OUCH!

The washing machine sharply beeped thrice signalling that my laundry was done. I lazily dragged my laundry basket and loaded the pile of damp clothings into it before lugging it to the backyard for drying.

Staring at the heavens above, half the moon was hiding behind thick black clouds and its dusty glow radiating a sense of gloom to all beneath.

One by one, I tossed pieces of washing onto the drying lines when I suddenly felt a sensation on my left foot. At first, it was stinging and I simply shook it off. Then, the image of a fiery red ant sinking its fangs and pumping painful venom into my skin came to mind. Straining to look at my foot, I could see nothing out of the ordinary but then again it was under poor lighting. I continued drying my clothes attempting to ignore that nagging pinching feeling. A good 10 seconds or so later, I literally felt the pain spreading ... you could say from a pin point to the size of a twenty cent Malaysian coin. That's not all, it burned. Damnit! Grimacing, I quickly finished what I was doing and limped back to my room. There I noticed a faint pink patch on the bitten area and immediately ran it under cold water. A dollop on antiseptic cream later, it felt a teeny weeny bit better.

Now, about 10 hours later, the patch is gone but every now and then, it stings for some 2 seconds before it feels normal again. Let's hope it'll be all ok before my evening run later today.

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