Monday, April 4, 2011

The 7 Days

Day 5

‘So tell me, what do you actually do?’ Lisa asked.
‘Well, the local university bought a machine and I’m here to commission it,’ Tyler replied.
‘What sort of machine?’ she countered.
‘It’s a CNC machine. Computer Numerical Control. By writing certain programs in its PLC, you can get the machine to perform all sorts of functions like cutting, grinding, profiling materials automatically. Quite fascinating really … well, to me at least,’ he said.
Lisa nodded. ‘Though I hardly understood what you just said, it does sound remarkably … what’s that word … intelligent.’
‘What about you? What do you do?,’ he returned the question.
‘Well, I used to work a nine to five job as a clerical accountant. That was until Dylan passed on. Now, I do freelance accounting works for small firms around town. That way, I don’t have to apply for sick leave whenever I plunge into depression mode. Haha,’ she said not so jokingly.
‘He must’ve been really close to your heart?’ Tyler said out loud.
Lisa sighed to herself and said ‘Yea, he was.’
‘Are there things in your life you wish you could change?’ she asked him.
Tyler took a few moments to think and then said ‘I guess. Humans are never satisfied. They always want more, they always want better. The grass is always greener on the other side no?’.
‘If it were up to you, what exactly would you change right now?’ she queried.
Tyler let out a long breath and replied ‘My circumstance. And you?’
‘Yea, me too. My circumstance. All my life, I’ve never really dared to do anything for myself. I’m more of a follower. If asked to choose between the norm or taking a risk … any sort of risk for that matter, I would conform to the norm instead of fighting for what I believe in. I’m just useless that way I guess,’ she said.
‘Trust me when I say you’re not the only one feeling this way. Most people are. At least you have the guts to admit it,’ he said.
She looked at him and asked ‘How long will you be staying in town?’
‘If all goes smoothly with work, I’d be leaving in two days,’ he said.
‘So soon?’ Lisa exclaimed.
‘Will you be back coming back again?’
‘I don’t know really.’
The sun was almost setting and they were sitting on the bench in front of the café under the jasmine tree. She rested her head on his shoulders and laced her fingers tightly between his, simply wishing for time to stop. Above them, a loft of pigeons flew past, heading back to their nests.

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