The clock tells me that it was 11:47pm. I watched as he slept ever so soundly, his body rising and lowering as he breathes into the silence of the night. I approached closer and he was suddenly jolted awake. He stared at me, never blinking. As I got closer to his cage, my bunny stood on his hind legs, greeting me with such enthusiasm. I unhook the cage’s door and he bolted out with blinding speed. He ran around the sofa, sniffed the curtains and then came back and perched himself on my lap. I stroked his back and tickled his fluffy chin. I could tell he enjoyed it immensely.
A sound came from the kitchen. Bunny looked up and before I knew it, off he went to check out the commotion. For the fun of it, I chased after him. He noticed my pursuit and came to an immediate halt. He spread himself wide on the cold tiled floor, it reminded me of a sheepskin rug I once had.
I bent down to pick him up. It’s been a while since I cuddled that li’ll fella. That was when he struck. Out of the blue, he lunged up and with the only two strong teeth that he has, he sank them into my wrist, tearing through my skin and revealed a trickle of crimson liquid. Reflects kicked in and I pulled away, dripping a couple of blood drops on the floor.
He continued starring at me, as if daring me to make my next move. The pain I felt slowly but surely transformed into anger. I held his head down and struck him on the back with my bare hands. Whack whack whack. Three smacks before I carried him by the ears and hauling him back to his cage. I washed myself and turned off the lights. He’s go the whole night to reflect on his wrong doings. That’ll teach him to bite the hand that feeds him. Sometimes you just got to let them know who the master is.
A sound came from the kitchen. Bunny looked up and before I knew it, off he went to check out the commotion. For the fun of it, I chased after him. He noticed my pursuit and came to an immediate halt. He spread himself wide on the cold tiled floor, it reminded me of a sheepskin rug I once had.
I bent down to pick him up. It’s been a while since I cuddled that li’ll fella. That was when he struck. Out of the blue, he lunged up and with the only two strong teeth that he has, he sank them into my wrist, tearing through my skin and revealed a trickle of crimson liquid. Reflects kicked in and I pulled away, dripping a couple of blood drops on the floor.
He continued starring at me, as if daring me to make my next move. The pain I felt slowly but surely transformed into anger. I held his head down and struck him on the back with my bare hands. Whack whack whack. Three smacks before I carried him by the ears and hauling him back to his cage. I washed myself and turned off the lights. He’s go the whole night to reflect on his wrong doings. That’ll teach him to bite the hand that feeds him. Sometimes you just got to let them know who the master is.