1) My boss burned my hand with his cigarette butt. I hope it wasn't intentional or else he could be trying to tell me something. :p
2) There was one time, after doing my 'business' on the 'throne', I realised that I accidentally sat on a mosquito. Poor bugger was squashed. Never had a chance.
3) The second toe on my right leg simply turned 'black' a couple of days ago. Looks as if there's some sort of internal bleeding going on but there is no pain whatsoever.
4) Our company recently hired an office boy. He makes a really good cuppa and calls it 'hand made coffee'. The best part was before taking up our job offer, he was attached to the Chennai Indian Army as a batallion commander. He once fought in Kashmir. I seriously wonder what prompted his career change ...
5) Following up from No.4, we have dentists and accountants applying for the position of house-maid when an advert was placed in the local daily here. I guess the financial slump is really taking its toll.
6) Speaking with an air of confidence and adding a touch of arrogance will make the silly people around you listen ... even when there's really no substance to what you're saying.
7) Corona with lemon ... SUCKS. Corona with lime ... GOOOoooOOOd. Sometimes you just don't mess with the status quo.
8) I've got a colleague who's gonna get hitched on the same day as I. Must be a 'lucky' day I guess. Does this equal to a reduction in 'ang pow' collection??? :(
i can attest to your office boy. craving for peace of mind from all those battles. we are in actual fact fighting battles everyday at work..so makes no difference. guess i better start polishing my tea making skills....to slow down my aging factor.
Dentist out of job too??? People there must prefer a pain in the tooth.
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